Scientific Supplies & Technology Int'l Inc.
Providing top-quality medical and laboratory supplies to hospitals, clinics, and research facilities across the Caribbean, Central, and South America since 1977.

Helena SPIFE Nexus Electrophoresis
The New SPIFE Nexus is transformative technology for gel electrophoresis. We’ve taken the expertise gleaned from sixty years in the field, added four years of intentional engineering and created a solidly reliable system that advances automation and ease of use.

Helena V8 Nexus Capillary Electrophoresis
The V8 Nexus features eight capillaries and six on-board reagent positions that enable full multi-assay functionality and high throughput. Platinum 4V system software provides a comprehensive set of analytical tools and user-defined options for ease of operations.

Helena SPIFE Touch
Smaller. Faster. Touch screen. Versatile. SPIFE Touch builds on the proven track record of the SPIFE agarose gel electrophoresis analyzer, but is 30% faster, uses lower stain and destain volumes and has a touch screen user interface.

Helena ESH Touch
ESH Touch transfers samples directly from primary patient tubes to barcoded sample trays, ready for application to agarose gels by the SPIFE Touch. A 100-sample capacity accommodates the largest SPIFE Touch gels and dilution schemes for each sample can be specified.

Helena Quick Scan Touch
Touch the screen and automatically demarcate the M-spike. Instantly reverse the pattern image for easier analysis. Automatically overlay previous patient results from a massive data store. These are just a few features of the newest QuickScan densitometer.